Forgotten Posted February 3 Share Posted February 3 *** If you don't see images good enough you should double click it to make them fully load *** Not everything could be added to the guide *** Dear knights, Below you can read a guide to have better understanding and be more prepared before starting playing at our server. Step 1: [Registering & Downloading] - Register your account here and make sure to read and agree to the rules before proceeding. - Download your client here - Inside the client Event Schedule [TR] can be extracted to get Turkish event scheduler in the game. Default event scheduler follows the central EU time. - KnightOnlineEXE is backup folder, it doesn't happen a lot but if you defender removes the exe you can get the backup in that file. Step 2: [Starting the game] - Start the game with launcher type your ID/PW and choose between Warrior/Rogue/Priest/Mage - Once you are in the game you can press F10 to make and change different settings as you like - Reedem your Welcome Pack from the mail. The pack will give you 3 days of EXP Premium, 3 days of Genie,Offline merchant, HP/MP potions 500, 1000 HP Scroll, 150 AC Scroll, AP Scroll, Speed Potion. - There is some beginner gear such as goblin armors, low weapons +7, accessories +6 but keep in mind those will last for few days only. - You can login maximum of 2 clients at one time Step 3: [Power UP Store] - If Welcome Pack is not enough for you, purchasing virtual currency [Knight Cash] with real money is an option. - PayPal option will give you instant knight cash to your account once the payment is made. - EpinKO will instantly give you an ESN CODE which you have to type into PUS to activate the cash. Guide: Exploring the Moradon - Mini Chaos Stone is located in Moradon 213,229 spot. It has respawn time between 8900 and 14500 seconds. It will respawn random master boss [Lobo,Lycaon,Lupus,Shaula,Lesath,OBL..] - Outside of Moradon there is Kekurikekukaka respawning in random spot between 9200 - 13500 seconds Moradon [Scroll Shop] -You can buy different type of scrolls here, this NPC is located in CZ, ESLANT,LUFF/EMC as well. [Vendor] Kaira : Here you can activate your premium, exchange KC Vouchers, Magic Bags and Welcome Pack Vendor [Hemes] : You can exchange your cospre armors, pathos glove or change your name here [General] Manager : NPC that offers exchanging Genie Vouchers, Auto Loot, Eco Pack, Royal Pack, Offline Merchants, Wings and several other options. At this NPC you can change your class, change your nation, etc. Forgotten Princess is an unique NPC that offers different options in exchanging. You can exchange 5K NP Voucher for 5K points here or trade your NP's for different items. BDW Feathers can be only obtained from Border Defence War. More info on BDW Neck/Belt Collect 10 selfname fragments for selfname weapon. (The fragments are not easy to obtain - read further to get informations) Each kill in PvP zone will give you 1x PK Blood. Completing 200 Kill Quest in CZ will give you 50 PK Bloods. For more ways to obtain PK Bloods read further. Tatto can be only obtained with PK Bloods. Moradon Generator 1: You can exchange your selfname weapon to different kind, as example: Dagger to Bow. (You can buy the scroll in Guardian NPC) 2: You can exchange the followings combinations: - Red Treasure Chest [Common chest, has a chance for unique item] - Green Treasure Chest [2nd grade chest, has better chance for unique item] - Blue Treasure Chest [Premium chest, higher chance for unique item] - Juraid Gems - Bifrost Fragments - Pack your +1 or +5 selfname weapon! - Bring 100 Farm Cups for random reward such as (Scroll, Potions, Coins, EXP, KC...) - Exchange 3x Old Accessories and a Gold Bar for original Accessory - Exchange Accessories vouchers for 30% normal accessories. - Trade in your Master Box for random Master Item - Combine 3x Heroes Medal for random item such as : Exceptional, KC 700,1200, Premiums, 2xBlue Chests, 2xBlack Chitin, Auto Loot, Fragmnet, Shells, High Class, Lunar Tatoo, PK Bloods., Gold Bar, (Great value, and great rewards) - Red Chest - Exchange for random Red Chitin +1 - Black Chest - Exchange for random Black Chitin +1 - Upgrade 3x BDW Accessories with 50% chance for +1/2. - Bring Proof of Body and Proof of Spirit for random unique item - Bring 5x Exceptional Lotto for random Exceptional Item. - Collect all the letters K,N,I,G,H,T for elite quest and exchange for special reward such as (Exceptional+5, High Class+6, Unique Items, 7x Selfname Fragment, 1500 PK Bloods, 1200 KC, 1200 KC, 3x Red Grem, 3x Blue Chest... Chance for great rewards. This can be only obtained from Random CR. - Random Treasure Chest: Exchange for random item such as high class, kc, chitins, pus items with low chance for better drops - Random Power UP Store item: It can give any PUS item including Valkyrie,Gryphon, Wings...) - Lucky Medal - Exchange for one of the fragments and chests - Activity Tokens - Exchange 200 of them for Random Treasure Chest Info: - Wings, Valkyrie, Gryphon, Yeniceri, Infinite Arrow, Infinite Cure can be only obtained from Random CR. - Tattoos can be only obtained with PK Blood, expect Lunar Tattoo can be obtained very rarely in some other exchanges at Moradon Generator - Heros Medal can be only obtained in Heroes Event - KNIGHT letters can be only obtained from random CR. Exploring El Morad Castle & Lufferson Castle You can use teleporter located in EMC/TOWN to get to certain spots for a small fee. Completing EXP quests in EMC/LUFF will progress your levels faster. Once the quest is finished it will take certain time before you can do it again Drop test with killing 250 monsters. It's without any additional drop boost. Not all the Luff/EMC monsters are listed. Baron 250 Cardinal 250 Grell 250 Uruk Blade 250 Uruk Tron 250 Stone Golem 250 Mini Chaos Stone in El Morad Castle and Lufferson Castle Respawn time: 7200 seconds - 14400 seconds Action: Respawns random Master Boss Attila in EMC/LUFF Respawn time: 10800 - 18000 seconds. EMC Locations: 896 1658 328 826 1706 725 1320 972 592 1132 Lufferson Locations: 993 1449 1394 1198 824 557 1592 1175 1478 937 HYDE Respawn time: 10800 - 18000 seconds. EMC 1162 276 1298 731 1795 1660 1340 1767 839 931 Lufferson 1782 1394 1002 1355 910 1134 626 331 1197 583 Antares Respawn time: 10800 - 18000 seconds. EMC 1100 1601 516 1291 969 1050 1155 684 481 310 Lufferson: 868 1387 1077 1081 717 234 212 526 1007 488 Master Quests In El Morad Castle & Lufferson there are Master Quests available. Guide Exploring Eslant You can use the NPC to be teleported to one of the 4 areas. Mini Chaos Stone in Eslant: Respawn Time: 10800 - 21600 seconds! It respawns any of the eslant boss such as HQ,TK,TALOS,SQ.. Selfname Guards can be found in 4 area locations. 588 260 92 123 855 797 176 838 Each of them has respawn time of 13500 - 21800 seconds. Other eslant bosses such as Snake Queen, Troll King, Talos,Harpy Queen, Dragon Tooth, Samma, Shaula, Deruvish Founder can respawn in random spot between 10800 - 21600 seconds. Eslant Dark Mare 250 Exploring Delos & Hell Abyss Teleporter is available during Castle Siege Warfare Mini Isiloon respawns in Hell Abyss between 21600 and 28800 seconds. Bi-Frost teleported will teleport you to the spots for Blood of PK fee. Advanced Colony Zone Guide You can use the NPC in town to get to your destination faster. You'll pay PK Blood to use the Teleporter service. EXP Quests / Trina Quests are available. Go to Quest Page to check all the quests. Energy Respawn Time: 7200 - 14400 seconds. Drops: KC, Silver Bar, Master Box, Chests,Trina, Red Chitin Chest, High Class Items || Low Rate Locations: (Dark Mare,Harpy,Lamia,Back base, Front base..) 360 356 1694 1610 293 1613 1759 393 1542 1010 446 1031 769 944 1245 1050 1482 1400 588 566 879 1682 1153 315 Selfname Guard Respawn time: 7500 - 11400 seconds Drops : Selfname Fragment, Exc Lotto, High Class Items Locations: Near Cardinals, Near Bowl Entrance 1111 1260 926 708 1715 1140 338 857 Big Blood Seeker Respawns every 1 Hour Locations: Human Blood Seekers, Karus Blood Seekers Drop: 100% BUSES, GOLD COINS Big Cardinal Respawns every 1 Hour Locations: Human Cardinal, Karus Cardinal Drop: 100% BUSES, GOLD COINS Big Hob Goblin Respawns every 1 Hour Locations: Human Hob Goblins, Karus Hob Goblins Drop:Gold Coins, +9 Accessories Orc Bandit Officers Respawn: 7500 - 12500 seconds Drops: High Class Items Bowman Respawn time: 10800 - 17800 Drops : Trina, High Class Items, Lotto, Chests,Tears,... Locations: Around BOWL [2x] Spearman Respawn time: 10800 - 17800 Drops : Trina, High Class Items, Lotto, Chests,Tears,... Locations: Around BOWL [2x] Entrance Monument Respawn time: 9800 - 14800 Drops : Trina, Lotto, Chests,Tears,Silvar bar + National Points Locations: Bowl Entrances Scorpion King Respawn time: 8500 - 14800 Drops : Trina, Lotto, Chests,Tears,Silvar bar, Black Chitin,KC... Locations: Bowl 6 & 12 Messenger Respawn time: 1200 - 2200 Drops : Lotto, Silver Bar, High Class Items Locations: Inside BOWL. Chaos Stone Respawn time: 6800 - 9800 Respawns: Master Bosses Locations: Inside BOWL. Mini Chaos Stone Respawn time: 8700 - 13900 Respawns: Eslant Bosses Locations: Inside BOWL. [2x] Other bosses in BOWL respawns 9200 - 13500 seconds! Preview of drops on certain monsters after killing 50 of them. Some of them have quests for BUS/TRINA. Other spots are not in the guide. 50x Atross 50x Golem 50x Hobgolin 50x Storming Apostle 50x Beast 50x Dark Mare Proper details of events are not included in the guide. It is something you have should explore to get all the informations. Farm Land Farm Land event lasts for 60 minutes, there are special monsters that respawns every now and than with special farm spots such as Mini DM/Titans. Including: Collection Race Class Event When you enter to the class event you can choose any class you want which will be fully geared for 60 minutes. In the small map you can fight against enemy and kill some of the special monsters and chaos stone. Including : Collection Race Heroes Event Special PK Event in which you can kill enemy monuments and Knights for different drops including Heroes Medal that be exchanged for great rewards. Duration is 60 minutes and Collection Race is included. Ronark Land Base In RLB there are some farm spots, mini atrosses, mini riotes, chaos stones, Mini Isiloon. Including: Collection Race Border Defense War Register to join and battle enemy party. Capture the center monument to get your victory quicker. Juraid Mountain Register to join, complete all the rooms and fight the enemy in the last room for Deva Bird. Lunar War Get the most kills or kill Warders/Keepers to invade enemy nation home town. The NPC's can drop different drops such as chests,kc. Including : Collection Race. War of BDW Join to the event at Lunar Walley. It is 30 minutes event, in a small zone with special monsters and CR. Dungeon War Special Event with special monsters. Bi-Frost Join to farm bifrost monsters and complete CR. Be aware of enemy nation raiding your spots. Castle Siege Warfare Special PK Event with exclusive Collection Race and special prize for the top 5 clans. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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